
The youth of today are the leaders of the future. If the future is to be prosperous, the modern youth should
perform their duties with firm faith in God."- Baba"
Sai youths are not just a bundle of young and energetic persons, but they can be viewed as a source of energy and inspiration. They are silent,disciplined and calm
yet they are ever ready to rise to the occasion when the society needs them. They use their massive potentials only to bring smile on the face of the distressed and dejected. As they
walk on the path of Bhagwan,society looks upon them as the saviours, the messengers of God.
The movement of Sai youth in Sri Sathya sai Seva organisation (India), Odisha has
gained momentum over the years to such a level that. Sai Youths have
become integral and unparallel to each success story of the Organisation. Over 7000
youths across the state engage themselves in Seva
sadhana in one form or the other. Especially projects like Nitya Anna Prasadam,
National Narayan Seva, Holistic Healthcare Seva their contribution
is immense and praise worthy. For natural calamities and accidents a core group
is formed to rush to the spot and provide
immediate rescue/relief.
They derive constant motivation and inspiration from our Beloved
Bhagwan whose restless service to the mankind had been and will ever be remembered by the
world. In the process of their Sadhana they refine themselves as a better human
being and this transformation in them has drawn many youths of
the society to the Organisation where they taste the flavour and sweetness of selfless
service and derive divine bliss.